Auto Accident In Broken Arrow

The 9 Big Things You Need to Know, (if you’ve been in an accident) That Can Change Your Life Forever! The purpose of this report is to give you some background information regarding potential injuries from car accidents in Broken Arrow, and to inform you of some options you have (if you’ve had an accident) which you may not know about. See how our team at Kats Chiropractic Center can help you!
Auto Accident Facts in Broken Arrow
- Spondylosis and other degenerative changes occur in the necks of those injured in whiplash in 39% of cases (60% when there is a loss of consciousness) compared to only 6% of age and sex-matched controls.[1]
- Conservatively, patients who are injured in whiplash injuries have only a 50-60% chance of complete recovery.
- The longest-running (and most recent) study on the prognosis of rear-impact whiplash injuries (10.8-year follow-up) showed that only 14% ever fully recovered.[2]
- Shoulder harnesses actually increase the incidence of neck injuries by a factor of three[3] and nearly double the chronicity (34% vs 20%).[4]
- In a rear impact, MVA the head and neck have been shown to be accelerated at 2 ½ times the G force of the vehicle itself—even at speeds as low as 8 m.p.h.(4-8)
- Experiments with animals have shown that at relatively low-speed collisions significant soft tissue injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, discs, nerve, and brain tissue can result. (9,10,11)
- Research has shown it can take weeks to months for symptoms to appear.12
- The forces in a 15 m.p.h. rear-impact would be equivalent to falling from the 2nd story of a building.
- Medical studies have shown chiropractic type care to be more efficacious than traditional medical care for these types of injuries.13
Top Auto Accident Chiropractor
Dr. Pancratz has spent many hundreds of post-graduate hours in the field of whiplash traumatology, both in specific patient training and in keeping abreast of the latest trends. He knows how to diagnose it, how to treat it, and how to present it to attorneys and adjustors when necessary.
When you’ve been in a MVC (motor vehicle crash), it’s important to have a doctor on your side who speaks the language. There’s a lot of medical literature out there to defend your case if you know where to look for it.
Our Auto Accident Relief Process
A complimentary screening exam is offered if you are not sure there is an injury and just want to be sure. If there is anyone (especially children) who were in an accident with you, encourage them to get checked out as soon as possible.
As this report points out, it can take (in some cases) weeks or months before an injury shows up, and by then it could be too late to do anything about it! And this is not someone’s opinion: this is stated in the peer-reviewed literature! This quick and easy screening evaluation includes a special x-ray that will show an injury if it’s present.
If an injury is present and you desire to go forward with care, insurance will usually cover most of the costs. Members of our friendly team can check on all that for you before you incur any expense. In most cases, care can be received with little or no out-of-pocket expense.
Never been to a Chiropractor before?
You’re not alone! Approximately 80% of Dr. Pancratz’s patients are undergoing chiropractic care for the first time. Because of his background as a RN, and former Paramedic, he can empathize with skeptics. Join a growing number of Americans, from movie stars and world-class athletes to your friends and colleagues who have chosen to receive chiropractic care with great results.
To complement the chiropractic care at Kats Chiropractic Center in Broken Arrow, we have wonderful relaxing physical therapy modalities available that assist in the healing process, as well as spinal decompression and physical rehabilitation. We also have a massage therapist on staff, and usually include that in the care that is given.
We work closely with other professionals in the community when needed. When appropriate, we refer patients to fellow medical practitioners for concurrent care including pain specialists, MRI centers, orthopedists, neurologists, etc. That means your Chiropractor can oversee your care, and make sure you’re seeing who you need to for the best possible recovery.
We’ll get you in with as little waiting as possible We’re always striving to have the best patient experience possible. We’ll work with your schedule. The chiropractic care and the therapy will help you feel great and will help you heal properly. Research now shows that receiving chiropractic care following a MVC can prevent the onset of osteoarthritis, the type of arthritis that usually develops following this type of injury.
Attorneys and Primary Care Providers
If you have chosen an attorney, we will be happy to work with them and keep them in the loop on what’s happening with you and your case. With your permission, of course, we will happily share your records so they will know your status and give them regular updates. If you need an attorney, we can supply a list of those we’ve successfully worked in the past.
If you have a PCP (Primary Care Provider), we will also, with your permission, be happy to communicate with them. As Chiropractic care becomes more mainstream across America, communication is the key to the professionals working together in harmony.
Call our outstanding staff at Kats Chiropractic Center at (918) 286-3136 to schedule an appointment today!
- [1] Hohl M:Soft tissue injuries of the neck in automobile accidents factors influencing prognosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 56A(8):1675-1682,1974.
- [2] Watkinson A. Gargan MG, Bannister GC:Prognostic factors in soft tissue injuries of the cervical spine. Injury: British Journal of Accident Surgery 22(4):307-309, 1991.
- [3] Nygren A:Injuries to car occupants—some aspects of interior safety of cars. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Suppl #394), 1984.
- [4] Deans GT, Magalliard JN, Kerr M, Rutherford WH:Neck sprain—a major cause of disability following car accidents. Injury 18:10-12, 1987.
- (4-8) Severy DM, Mathewson JH, Bechtol CO: Controlled automobile rear-end collisions, an investigation of related engineering and mechanical phenomenon. Canadian Services Medical Journal 11:727-758,1955.
- Severy DM, Mathewson JH: Automobile barrier and rear-end collision performance. Paper presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers summer meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, June 8-13, 1958.
- Severy DM, Mathewson JH, Bechtol CO: Controlled automobile rear-end collisions—an investigation of related engineering and medical phenomena. In: Medical Aspects of Traffic Accidents, Proceedings of the Montreal Conference, 1955, pp 152-184.
- Navin FPD, Romilly DP: An investigation into vehicle and occupant response subjected to low-speed rear impacts. In: Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference VI, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 5-7, 1989.
Croft AC: Biomechanics. In: Foreman SM, Croft AC (eds): Whiplash Injuries: The Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Syndrome. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1988, PP53-72. - (9,10,11) Ommaya AK, Hirsch AE: Tolerances for cerebral concussion from head impact and whiplash in primates. Journal of Biomechanics 4:13-21, 1971.
- Liu YK, Chandran KB, Heath RG, Unterharnscheidt F: Subcortical EEG changes in rhesus monkeys following experimental hyperextension-hyperflexion (whiplash). Spine 9(4):329-338, 1984.
- Gotten N: Survey of 100 cases of whiplash injury after settlement of litigation. Journal of the American Medical Association 162 (9): 865-867, 1956.
- 12 Goldberg AC, Rothfus WE, Deeb ZL, Frankel DG, Wilberger JE Jr.,Daffner RH: Hyperextension injuries of the cervical spine. Skeletal Radiology 18:283-288, 1989.
- 13 Mealy K, Brennan H, Fenelon GCC: Early mobilization of acute whiplash injuries. British Medical Journal 292:656-657, 1986.
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9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Call For Acute Chiropractic Care Only
Kats Chiropractic Center
2016 West Houston Street
Broken Arrow, OK 74012